Legal mentions

The website is published by the micro-enterprise Les bijoux d’Hani

The SIRET is 951 390 335 00010

This website is hosted by Shopify Inc. whose head office is 151 rue O'Connor, Rez de Chaussée, Ottawa, Ontario K2P 2L8, Canada. The telephone number is: +1 650 253 0000

For any request regarding the website, you can contact us via the contact form. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Our guarantees

  • Jewelry designed to last

    For everyday life: hiking or aperitif, don't worry

  • Wrapped like a gift

    And with a free piece of jewelry from 100 EUR of purchase

  • At your home in 5 days

    On average and valid for mainland France. Free delivery from 60 EUR

  • Easy and secure payment

    By credit card or Paypal (in 4 installments with Paypal possible)

Good shopping !

And above all, don't forget:

All you need is a little love for yourself and lots of jewelry to express it.